Two comprehensive options to meet your course needs. Davis Advantage for Townsend’s Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing, 11th Edition Karyn I. Morgan, RN, MSN, APRN-CNS Davis Advantage for Townsend’s Essentials of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing, 9th Edition
Karyn I. Morgan, RN, MSN, APRN-CNS Great for visual learners, this engaging and informative text offers a holistic approach to mental health nursing that explores nursing diagnoses for both physiological and psychological disorders and focuses on practical application in real-life practice.
More narrative in nature, this text provides students with a comprehensive grounding in therapeutic approaches as well as must-know DSM-5-TR disorders and nursing interventions.
NEW CHAPTER! Psychosocial Interventions and Spiritual Care NEW FEATURE! “Real Nurses, Real Advice,” tips from practicing nurses to help student navigate clinical situations EXPANDED! Content on forensic nursing UPDATED! Consistent with DSM-5-TR Hallmark features including”Real People, Real Stories,” “Communication Exercises,” QSEN Activities and more Concept map care plans for all major psychiatric diagnoses
UPDATED & REVISED! Case studies in most chapters that reflect the NCSBN Clinical Judgment Measurement Model. UPDATED & REVISED! End-of-chapter questions featuring both a review of general concepts and Next Gen Clinical Judgment questions. NEW FEATURE! “Real Nurses, Real Advice,” helpful tips from practicing nurses to help students navigate clinical situations. NEW CHAPTER! Psychosocial Interventions and Spiritual Care UPDATED & REVISED! All content thoroughly reviewed, revised, and updated to incorporate the new knowledge in the field and the practice of mental health nursing today, including changes to the DSM-5-TR, new psychotropic drugs, and current research articles for evidence-based practice. Hallmark features including “Real People, Real Stories,” “Communication Exercises,” QSEN Activities, and more Care plans for all major psychiatric disorders
Instructor Resources § eBook § Davis Advantage
§ Test Bank with Next Gen NCLEX-format questions § PowerPoints § Implementation Guide § Clinical Judgment Debriefing Guidelines § Bonus Chapters § Clinicals Toolkit § AACN Essentials Mapped to Davis Advantage
• Personalized Learning • Clinical Judgment • Quizzing • Sims—Coming in 2025!*
Instructor Resources § eBook § Davis Advantage
§ Test Bank with Next Gen NCLEX-format questions § PowerPoints § Implementation Guide § Clinical Judgment Debriefing Guidelines § AACN Essentials Mapped to Davis Advantage § Bonus Chapters
• Personalized Learning • Clinical Judgment • Quizzing • Sims—Coming in 2025!*
*Sims will be added to the next edition of this textbook.
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