Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Brochure 2024-2025

Two comprehensive options to meet your course needs. Davis Advantage for Townsend’s Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing, 11th Edition Karyn I. Morgan, RN, MSN, APRN-CNS Davis Advantage for Townsend’s Essentials of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing, 9th Edition

Karyn I. Morgan, RN, MSN, APRN-CNS Great for visual learners, this engaging and informative text offers a holistic approach to mental health nursing that explores nursing diagnoses for both physiological and psychological disorders and focuses on practical application in real-life practice.

More narrative in nature, this text provides students with a comprehensive grounding in therapeutic approaches as well as must-know DSM-5-TR disorders and nursing interventions.

ƒ NEW CHAPTER! Psychosocial Interventions and Spiritual Care ƒ NEW FEATURE! “Real Nurses, Real Advice,” tips from practicing nurses to help student navigate clinical situations ƒ EXPANDED! Content on forensic nursing ƒ UPDATED! Consistent with DSM-5-TR ƒ Hallmark features including”Real People, Real Stories,” “Communication Exercises,” QSEN Activities and more ƒ Concept map care plans for all major psychiatric diagnoses

ƒ UPDATED & REVISED! Case studies in most chapters that reflect the NCSBN Clinical Judgment Measurement Model. ƒ UPDATED & REVISED! End-of-chapter questions featuring both a review of general concepts and Next Gen Clinical Judgment questions. ƒ NEW FEATURE! “Real Nurses, Real Advice,” helpful tips from practicing nurses to help students navigate clinical situations. ƒ NEW CHAPTER! Psychosocial Interventions and Spiritual Care ƒ UPDATED & REVISED! All content thoroughly reviewed, revised, and updated to incorporate the new knowledge in the field and the practice of mental health nursing today, including changes to the DSM-5-TR, new psychotropic drugs, and current research articles for evidence-based practice. ƒ Hallmark features including “Real People, Real Stories,” “Communication Exercises,” QSEN Activities, and more ƒ Care plans for all major psychiatric disorders

Instructor Resources § eBook § Davis Advantage

§ Test Bank with Next Gen NCLEX-format questions § PowerPoints § Implementation Guide § Clinical Judgment Debriefing Guidelines § Bonus Chapters § Clinicals Toolkit § AACN Essentials Mapped to Davis Advantage

• Personalized Learning • Clinical Judgment • Quizzing • Sims—Coming in 2025!*

Instructor Resources § eBook § Davis Advantage

§ Test Bank with Next Gen NCLEX-format questions § PowerPoints § Implementation Guide § Clinical Judgment Debriefing Guidelines § AACN Essentials Mapped to Davis Advantage § Bonus Chapters

• Personalized Learning • Clinical Judgment • Quizzing • Sims—Coming in 2025!*

*Sims will be added to the next edition of this textbook.


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