Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Brochure 2024-2025


Best book for clinical. “Very good book! Extremely helpful when in clinical. Super easy to look up nursing diagnoses and very helpful to refer to when creating my care plans. Great reference to go to for quick definitions and clinical manifestations. Fits in my scrub and lab coat pocket easily.” —Miller H., Online Reviewer

Pedersen PsychNotes Clinical Pocket Guide, 6th Edition

Perfect to use in class, clinical, and any practice setting! This handy guide delivers quick access to need-to-know information on DSM-5 disorders and treatments, psychotropic drugs, documentation, and patient education. No other resource delivers as much information in a format that’s as easy to read, easy to access, and fits in your pocket.

With D SM-5-TR & NANDA -I 2021-2023 Morgan Pocket Guide to Townsend’s Psychiatric Nursing 12th Edition

258 pages | 5 illustrations | Soft cover, spiral bound | 2022 $41.95 (US) ISBN-13: 978-1-7196-4545-4

Two books in one! The first half provides the diagnostic information needed to create a care plan for any setting; the second half covers the safe prescription and administration of psychotropic medications. 736 pages | Soft cover | 2024 About $52.95 (US) ISBN-13: 978-1-7196-4850-9

Best psych source “This pocket guide is very helpful for psychiatry rotations. It has all the important information inside. It is a great reference when on rounds to quickly look up drugs or disorders. I am very happy with my purchase.” —Hannah, Online Reviewer

Pedersen Pocket Psych Drugs Point-of-Care Clinical Guide, 2nd Edition

Perfect Pocket Books. “This book was very helpful during my mental health clinicals. I love the fact that I can just drop it in my pocket and have the information I need right at my fingertips. Well written with more than enough information for each medication. I paired it with her [Darlene D. Pedersen] pocket Psych Notes and it was perfect!” —Online Reviewer

Crucial, on-the-go drug information! From alprazolam to zolpidem—this handy guide delivers quick access to the important pharmacologic content for 80 psychotropic drugs. Organized by generic name, each monograph covers indications (including off-label use) pharmacokinetics, dosages, adverse reactions, and drug interactions, including herbal and food interactions.

234 pages | 5 Illustrations | Soft cover, spiral bound | 2018 $41.95 (US) ISBN-13: 978-0-8036-7578-0


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