Treas 5e Sneak Preview


UNIT 1 How Nurses Think

Caring for the Williams Family (continued)

A. Patient Situation

C. Nursing Knowledge ■ What type of nursing knowledge (theoretical, practical, ethical, or self-knowledge) is needed to answer the following questions? ■ What health concerns does Mr.Williams have that the healthcare team should address? ■ What is the role of Assad Johnson on the healthcare team? ■ What role will you play in the care of Mr.Williams?

■ Why is Mr.Williams at the clinic? ■ What are his wife’s concerns? ■ Are his wife’s concerns similar to or different from his? B. Critical Thinking and Clinical Reasoning ■ What do I notice about this client? ■ How do I go about getting the data I need? What sources should I use? ■ Are my data congruent? ■ What is one possible explanation for what is happening in this situation? What is an alternative explanation for what is happening in this situation?

CLINICAL JUDGMENT Applying the Full-Spectrum Nursing Model PATIENT SITUATION

Mrs. Castillo has late-stage cancer and is not expected to live more than a few months. With chemotherapy, she could live perhaps a year or two more. She cannot decide what to do. She knows the chemotherapy will have unpleasant side effects and will be very expensive, and she wants to protect her family from the emotional and financial hardships of a lingering illness. She is showing physical signs of anxiety and distress (e.g., increased heart rate, restlessness, tearfulness). You want to provide support for her decision, whatever it may be. THINKING 1. Theoretical Knowledge: What theoretical knowledge do you need to help Mrs. Castillo?

2. Critical Thinking (Contextual Awareness): What details in the scenario represent client situation or context?

DOING 3. Practical Knowledge: a. What practical knowledge do you need to help Mrs. Castillo?

b. Which skills can you already perform? Which skills would you need to learn or review before caring for this patient?

CARING 4. Ethical Knowledge: Depending on Mrs. Castillo’s decision, can you think of one ethical issue that might arise for you or members of her family later on?


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