Treas 5e Sneak Preview

Online Application • Ask students to complete this activity as written and upload it to the course for peer feedback and recommendations. Each flowchart would include a paragraph summary. • Ask students to complete the activity and record an audio recording explaining how they completed the assignment and why they determined what they did.

Data Collection: Braden Scale for Predicting Risk Directions

Have each student read the following scenario and document using the Braden scale flow sheet. A handout is included at the end of this document that students can use to record their data. They may use their textbook as a reference to review the details of the Braden scale. Scenario Paula is an elderly patient who recently experienced a stroke with right-sided hemiparesis. She has been in poor health over the past 6 months and lost 40 pounds as a result of self-described “stomach problems” that have impacted her appetite. She has gross motor movement in her right foot and leg but lacks sensation. Her right arm is flaccid. She is incontinent of urine and stool and needs help repositioning in bed. Tips After completion of the exercise, students should compare their data with those of a peer. If they have determined differing scores on the Braden scale, they should debate their reasoning for the answer they chose. The total score and what it means should be discussed. Completed Form for Reference (Correct answers include rationales.) 1 2 3 4 Sensory perception Completely limited Slightly limited No impairment

Very limited— With the stroke and hemiparesis, Paula is very limited with sensory impairment over one-half of her body.

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