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Davis Advantage for Wilkinson’s Fundamentals of Nursing, 5 th Edi8on

Personalized Learning Topics


Davis Advantage Personalized Learning Topics (Tradi(onal View)

Wilkinson’s Fundamentals of Nursing, 5e Book Chapter

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Evolu)on of Nursing Thought & Ac)on

1 2 3 4 6 6 6 6 7 8 9

Clinical Judgment

The Steps of the Nursing Process

Evidence-Based Prac)ce, Theory, & Research

Development in Infants & Toddlers

Development in Children

Development in Adolescents & Young Adults

Development in Middle Age Adults Development in Older Adults

10. Health & Illness 11. Stress & Adapta)on

12. Psychosocial Health & Illness 13. Family, Culture, & Spirituality


11, 12, 13

14. Experiencing Loss

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 23 23 24 25 26 27 28 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

15. Communica)ng & Therapeu)c Rela)onships

16. Pa)ent Educa)on

17. Documen)ng & Repor)ng 18. Measuring Vital Signs

19. Health Assessment

20. Promo)ng Asepsis & Preven)ng Infec)on

21. Promo)ng Safety 22. Facilita)ng Hygiene

23. Administering Medica)ons: Dosage Calcula)ons 24. Administering Medica)ons: Safety 25. Administering Medica)ons: Administra)on

26. Nutri)on

27. Urinary Elimina)on 28. Bowel Elimina)on 30. Pain Assessment 31. Pain Interven)ons

29. Sensa)on, Percep)on, & Response

32. Physical Ac)vity & Mobility

33. Sexual Health 34. Sleep & Rest

35. Skin Integrity & Wound Healing

36. Oxygena)on

37. Circula)on & Perfusion


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