Treas 5e Sneak Preview

Table of Contents Unit 1: How Nurses Think 1.

Evolu(on of Nursing Thought & Ac(on

2. 3. 4. 5.

Clinical Judgment

The Steps of the Nursing Process

Evidence-Based Prac(ce: Theory & Research

Ethics & Values for Nursing Prac(ce

Unit 2: Factors Affec9ng Health 6.

Life Span: Infancy Through Middle Adulthood

7. 8. 9.

Life Span: Older Adults

Promo(ng Wellness: Health and Illness

Stress & Adapta(on

10. 11. 12. 13.

Psychosocial Health & Illness Promo(ng Family Health

Caring in Mul(cultural Healthcare Environments


14. Experiencing Loss Unit 3: Essen9al Nursing Interven9ons 15.

Communica(ng & Therapeu(c Rela(onships

16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.

Pa(ent Educa(on

Interprofessional Partnerships: Documen(ng & Repor(ng

Measuring Vital Signs Health Assessment

Promo(ng Asepsis & Preven(ng Infec(on

Promo(ng Safety Facilita(ng Hygiene

Administering Medica(ons Unit 4: Suppor9ng Physiological Func9oning 24. Nutri(on 25. Urinary Elimina(on 26. Bowel Elimina(on 27. Sensa(on, Percep(on, & Response 28. Pain 29. Physical Ac(vity & Mobility 30. Sexual Health 31. Sleep & Rest 32. Skin Integrity & Wound Healing 33. Oxygena(on 34. Circula(on & Perfusion 35. Hydra(on & Homeostasis 36. Caring for the Periopera(ve Pa(ent Unit 5: The Context for Nurses’ Work 37. Community & Home Health Nursing 38. Informa(cs 39. Legal Accountability 40. Leading & Managing

Contents subject to change upon publica2on.


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